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NEXT MASTERMIND: 11/26/22 Language Educator Wellbeing & Business Mastermind: SIGN UP HERE 

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Welcome To Your

Language Educator Wellbeing & Business Mastermind

With Lina V

Next Mastermind:
Saturday, November 26th, 2022

Sign Up Below For Access

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This Is Worth Your Time

Our monthly mastermind sessions are designed for language coaches that are ready to elevate their brand and grow their business while keeping wellbeing as a top priority.

Does the following resonate with you?

  • The compensation you desire does not match the level of your commitment to your coaching business


  • You wish to spend more time developing your programs, spending quality time with your family and on your own personal growth instead of stressing to make ends meet


  • Your business has already been established or you are in the process of creating one with the intention of providing a high quality product or service for your clients.


The purpose of this Mastermind is to foster an environment of inspiration and growth for every language coach and their clients. 

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Are You Getting The Results You Desire?


Ask Yourself...

What standards are you setting for your language coaching business? 
Did you set these benchmarks yourself or did you fall under industry norms? 

Through this Mastermind, you will be able to elevate your vision and offer the highest version of yourself and your business.

By the end of this mastermind you will...

Receive exclusive content to help implement self care in your business.

Learn methods for prioritising self care.

Receive insights on maintaining longevity in your coaching business.

Receive training materials that will help you to set healthy boundaries.

Connect with others in our community with similar goals.

Expand your network and learn how to build trust with your brand.
Receive live mentoring.

Receive follow up support after the live event.

Are you ready to level up?

Your Wellbeing Matters

Coaches are primarily responsible for wellbeing, not only in their business approach, but also in their holistic approach to life.


One of the biggest components of this mastermind is understanding the problems we face as coaches, the environment, the obstacles, and defining your why. Having a deeper understanding of these concepts will help the language coaching community elevate its practices to a premium status that will benefit the coaches as well as their clients.


A Language Coach's first step is to be aware of these factors. As part of this mastermind, you will also gain an understanding of the essential requirements for wellbeing in both your personal and professional life.


Furthermore, the Language Coach Business Mastermind clarifies the difference between your intent as a coach and your clients' intent. You will learn the key dynamics of flow and creativity in order to apply this concept.

White Waves

What's Included?

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Language Coach
Business Playbook LCBP 1

The Language Coach Business Playbook (LCBP-1) contains actionable items that can be implemented into your personal life and professional language business model in order to maximise output. Consider the instructions you get when you assemble furniture. Instructions are provided by the manufacturer so that you can assemble the parts in the correct order. If the steps are followed in order, the furniture looks like what was purchased, with all parts fitting and working together correctly.

This is basically how our playbook works. In this document, Lina shares all of the lessons she has learned over the past 7 years working in the language industry; having supported over 250 clients on their journeys. The program includes more than 1000 hours of training, which is designed to deliver the greatest value to the language community.

Why did she create it?

"This document was designed a few years ago because, at the beginning of my professional career, what I needed to succeed did not exist. The playbook has also been co-authored by my partner Peter M. Lucas, a veteran of the Marine Corps with 20 years of experience in military planning, strategy, and coaching. The goal of this playbook is to help the entire language community grow to its full potential. I will deliver modules from our workbooks during these Mastermind calls. Using these excerpts, you can create simple actionable items to grow your business and enhance your wellbeing."


There are six chapters in our Playbook, with each chapter divided into a series of workbooks. From the Playbook, we will explore a different concept each month, focusing on design, methodology, environment, business structure, wellbeing, and client experience. Each workbook consists of three modules covering the specific details of that block of training. Lina generally gives these documents to her Language Coaches during her client calls. During the Mastermind, she will provide a piece of exclusive content based on one module from the workbooks. You will gain significant value from this for your coaching and client experience. As a result, if you participate in this Mastermind, you will receive a sample of her and Peter's premium client experience.

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Exclusive Content

It's no secret that Lina is passionate about creating content. The hobby she developed during her law studies in Berlin is now an integral part of her professional life.

The content of our workbooks is only accessible through our one-on-one coaching program. There are original videos, live recording sessions, blogs, and meditations that have appeared on Mindvalley. For this Mastermind, we will provide public access to this content for the first time.

Our goal is to show you some key components of the content and context of the training material Lina delivers to Language Coaches. The recording will not include links to the content, so don't miss the live event

Throughout the calls, everyone is inspired and encouraged to participate fully! This means showing up for yourself consistently and taking the initiative to grow both personally and professionally.



Being hands-on and participating in this community is an important priority for us. Creativity is fueled by the people around us, and we all have our part to play in supporting that, no matter how big or small. Community matters

Since learning is a social process, communities offer the opportunity for the co-construction of knowledge. As such, people should build a learning mindset – or the ability to become aware of lessons in all situations – by working with diverse people with different backgrounds. Your community should also favour risk-taking, engage in challenging tasks, and focus on delving deep into the problem, as opposed to favouring surface learning. That is exactly what our space is designed to do. In this community we will help you to follow your curiosity and immerse yourself in what interests you without thinking about whether the exploration is going to produce something of value.

Here are some additional benefits that will emerge from being a part of this community:

Help bring your ideas to life
Improve existing concepts to create holistic experiences
Have a safe space to share
An environment where mistakes are encouraged
Be supported in your growth


"This Mastermind addressed the most crucial part of any project: making progress while staying happy and healthy. While this may sound easy, I actually think it requires so much constant work and reflection. This is exactly the approach I want to apply in my business and in my own journey."

—  Annika Zang


Mentoring and Inspiration


If you were going on a road trip, you would never leave without your GPS and a list of destinations you wanted to visit along the way. So why do we think we must travel through our careers alone?


There is no need to bush-walk through the woods blindly. It is likely that others have already walked these paths and are willing to share the map they used to find the open sky. However, they cannot give us a map if we never ask for one.


"I recall what it was like at the start of my career. I felt like I had to take this journey alone because no one around me offered me what I needed to succeed. In the end, I realised that my career is a lifelong journey - filled with twists, turns, and roadblocks - and fortunately for me, I found a mentor who helped me through some difficult periods." - Lina


It is our goal to be that for you as well. During our Mastermind Calls, both Lina and Peter will share several valuable lessons they have learned along the way in their professional careers. Using this information will enable you to navigate your career as a language coach. And though they won't be able to walk the path for you, they can make the trek a lot easier. We can shine a light on the routes that run a bit smoother and the pitfalls that derail even the steadiest of drivers.

White Waves

Are You Ready To Commit
To The Journey?

Next Mastermind:
Saturday, November 26th Language Educator Wellbeing and Business Mastermind
Sign Up Below For Access

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